Friday Jun 30, 2023
Episode 244 - Did You Say Smoke Snack
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Should we have tried the riblettes? Probably. We’re back from a short break, just in time for another short break. This week in honor of Canada Day, we are Canada heavy! A burglar in Canada burgles and cleans a cupcake shop. Canadian police pull over a bus after a kid uses his Canadian and god given right to flip off the police. A Canadian college instructor claims he’s experience reverse racism, but boohoo fuck that guy. Finally, a man in Tokyo is arrested for giving haircuts without a license. Put some sunscreen on your lotion and welcome back to The Hour!
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Episode 243 - Back To Me
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
You may need a cup of ambition to get through this week’s episode, but it won’t take you from nine to five. This week, a man shoots himself right in his dreams. A town council in England are in trouble for cutting down some mature trees used for sexing. Machines are coming to take the jobs the Kenyans want to do, so they burned the machines down! Finally, an angry cat is on the loose in Florida, he reportedly likes to kick dogs off tables and has a fondness for lasagna. We may have a low skill podcast, but welcome back to The Hour!
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Episode 242 - Possum Publicity Firm
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
We’re looking for some new PR firm, any suggestions? This week, A karen wants to talk to the manager of the hire a murderer site. What’s the discount when your killer takes too long? A guy in Van Buren Township ends up in a dump, but like, where else are you gonna be in Van Buren township? A crocodile apparently fucks itself. Finally, a guy close fist punches a baby in the face, but the baby only had minor injuries. Did this guy even lift? It’s been a while, so welcome back to The Hour!
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Episode 241 - He Got Shot in the Hot Pocket
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
What’s the deal with these AI, they get no respect! This week, a lady has her heart put in a museum, but don’t worry she had a spare. A bunch of students almost failed college because they all cheated using AI in one class. Indiana is bringing back the throwing star, now they just need to free the heart, horseshoes, diamonds and blue moons. Finally, a man in Kentucky shot his roommate for eating the last hot pocket! He was just really looking forward to that diarrhea. Don't’ worry, we’re not ending the pod, but we did ask and AI to write our obituary, stay tuned to the end, and welcome back to The Hour!
Thursday May 18, 2023
Episode 240 - Scrappy Was A Piece of Shit
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
How much is too much for a sandwich? I say the $5 food long is pushing it. This week, a stupid kid tries to kidnap a girl and her brother doesn’t even ask if that punk feels lucky. China can’t take a joke, but hey, I get cranky when I’m packed in with a lot of people too. Cows show their true colors, so perhaps we should get them some thin blue line flags. Finally, a drunk guy wants his dog to dive him home Dude, get an Über. So, are we all stupider, or is it just me? Welcome back to The Hour!
Thursday May 11, 2023
Episode 239 - The Guy’s Suckin On Night Toes
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Hey, when was the last time you washed your feet? This week, we find out pasta is too expensive in italy, but in New Jersey they’re just throwing it in the woods. A new TikTok trend has people trying to smuggle Fruit Rollups into Israel, and the whole thing makes our teeth hurt. Finally, a hotel manager gets a little too friendly with a guest at night, and he’s going to go wee wee wee all the way to jail. It’s been a while and we’re glad to say, welcome back to The Hour.
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Episode 238 - Sciatica!!!
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Hey share your location because we want to know where you are at all times! This week, someone thought it was a good idea to let kids kill feral cats, until a bunch of people pointed out it was a bad idea, but don’t worry some crazies thing it’s still a good idea. A guy surrounded by deadly snakes dies, but police ay it wasn’t from the snakes. Sounds like these cops are in the pocket of big slither. A bunch of satanists are coming to Boston to spread their messages of equality and compassion. Finally, don’t put baby piss in your eye, says the FDA. Great, now the Trumpettes are going to go around squeezing the piss out of babies to put in their eyes so they can own the libs. We were off last week, so welcome back to The Hour.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Episode 237 - A Mobster Lobster OR The Ctrl-Alt-Del of Sin
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
If you donate to the pod today, we’ll send you a free WWKDD bracelet and a The Hour tote. This week, the pope says he’d totally swipe right for Jesus. NPR is cutting a bunch of jobs, now they’ll have to do their funding drive on the highway off ramp. A lab tells his friends he can quit any time he wants! A fake police officer pulls over a real officer, what are the odds of that? Advice is also back this week, and we advise you to enjoy the show and welcome back to The Hour.
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Episode 236 - How Do I Get Jodi Foster’s Attention
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
How do you prefer your podcasts, more fatty and gamey or lean and flavorful? After a short break we’re back and learning about a vending machine that sells bear meat in Japan. A guy thinks a child ghost wanted to mess with his car. A naked guy crashed his car, stole a bus, and then loaded it with a dead deer. Finally, someone stole a giant spoon from dairy queen, but don’t worry her crown jewels are still safe. What’s the worst hotel experience you’ve ever had? Try listening to us during the next hotel stay and we’re sure it’ll make it better, and welcome back to The Hour.
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Episode 235 - Sh*tty *sses, Che*p E*gs
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
What’s your greatest home repair gone wrong story? This week, some guys pull a Half-Shawshanks, but needed to go a little further to get away with it. China has invented a kissing device, but there’s no tongue. Dollar Tree is getting rid of eggs, which is surprising because I didn’t know they even had them. Finally, a lady puts her kitty on Grindr, which seems like she’s barking up the wrong tree. Do you love the Mandalorian as much as Jeff, if so you’re going to love this episode. If not, well, welcome back to The Hour.